When morale needs a boost

Read time: 1 min 27 sec

Whatup Reader!

Sliding in with a super short one today.

If you’re feeling low on morale, if you’re really not feeling like doing much of anything, if you’re having one of those days, pick one grounding action that brings you back to yourself, and go do it.

Life be life-ing right now, and the plan to shock, overwhelm, and create a general sense of chaos and futility remains in full swing.

Pick one grounding action that brings you back to yourself, and go do it.

I personally have a few to choose from, including: Sitting in the sun, walking around my neighborhood, lifting in my home gym, getting a haircut (IYKYK), playing guitar, making and enjoying a cappuccino, going to the beach, and creating content.

I share these not to brag, but to highlight the benefit of having options that don't limit you to a single time of the day, type of weather, energy level, location, etc. If you follow my Stories, you know that I was running scales on an unplugged electric guitar at 12:11AM this past weekend.

Ground when you need grounding.

Full transparency, this email was inspired by a post from Kristina Girod that I came across yesterday.

In the video she states that she’s “in the worst mood, feeling really overwhelmed,” and then proceeds to take us along to show us what it’s like for her to not have the best day but still show up to coach her two classes.

She’s super open with her classes in the video, saying how much she needs the rides (she’s a next-level spin instructor) and I found it super powerful to watch her ground herself, show up for herself, and come back to herself.

If you need this message, I hope it serves if you. If you don’t, well, go watch the video anyway because chick is hella buff and her classes look fun AF.

Alrighty Reader, pick one grounding action that brings you back to yourself, and go do it.

Maestro out.

Do the thing.

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Hi, I'm the Maestro. 🙋🏽‍♂️

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