February Recap: Shopping, Stopping, and Sharing

Read time: 3 min 2 sec

Whatup Reader!

We blinked and February said ✌🏾. Perhaps it’s for the best.

Real quickly before we hop in, today, February 28th, I’m participating in the economic blackout and would love to have you join if you haven’t committed to it already. You can click here to learn more. I’m under no impression that it’s going to change the world and right every wrong, but I do believe it’s something (which will always be MOAR than nothing), and could also serve as the start of change on the individual level, encouraging folks to shop small and shop local moving forward. I actually discuss the shopping changes that we’ve been making at Casa de Lex + Maestro in next Monday’s podcast episode, so stay tuned as I literally put my money where my mouth is.

If you’re new here, I send these recap emails out on the last day of each month as a way to share the things that this awesome community has told me they’ve found helpful, and also to let you in on things that are coming your way in the next few months. I know you’re busy and I realize I put out a lot of content in a bunch of different places, so if you’re ever worried about missing anything, rest assured that the monthly recap will have all the important stuff in it.

Alright, let’s get into it!

From the ‘Gram:

I’ve got things to say. It took me some time, but I’ve found the words. Click any of the images below for the full experience.

From the Podcast:

New episodes of Maestro on the Mic dropping every Monday. Tune in wherever you listen to your pods. Tap the links below to listen to any of last month’s episodes or click the thumbnails to watch on YouTube and see just how animated I am when I speak ;-)

Thank you to everyone who has left a rating or review, and thank you in advance to anyone who was just guilted into leaving one ;-)

PS – How dope are these thumbnail images?! Shoutout to @docjoeo for crushing it!
PPS – Give that episode with Dr. JPop a listen. I promise you won’t regret it.

From the Business

I’m currently big focused on serving my current clients and running my coaching programs. Given the political climate and current events, it really just hasn’t been in my heart to run the Intensive, so I’m not running it. I’ll bring it back if and when it feels good. We start our own business to be able to do the things we want, in the way we want, at the times we want. Don’t forget that.

I am still running my Maestro Meetings, and I’ve had some reallllly good ones lately. My people continue to be the best. If you’re looking for business coaching and want to join the ranks of the best, you can click here to check out what the Maestro Meeting is all about. If you’re feeling it and want to book, puhlease wait until tomorrow. Don’t forget we ‘bout that economic blackout today. Yes, I’m a small business, but my payment processor isn’t. 💚

Alrighty, that’s it for February. Bring on March!

Puhlease feel free to hit me back and let me know if you have any podcast episode requests, IG post ideas, or suggestions for new workshops/courses/services. I promise I read every single response.

Maestro out.

Do the thing.

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Hi, I'm the Maestro. 🙋🏽‍♂️

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