Join Maestro Mail, a weekly newsletter for folks who are committed to doing life, AND online business, on their own terms. Subscribe now for your weekly dose of actionable advice, thought-provoking insights, and personal anecdotes that will inspire you to take action while reminding you that there's more than one way to achieve happiness and success.
Read time: 1 min 20 sec Whatup Reader! Take advantage of what you already have, and what is already around you. My inspo for this email: The timer in our home gym. I bought this badboy when I built out my garage gym during COVID, nearly 5 years ago. As we all do when we get something new, when this timer arrived I took advantage of the cool features, utilizing preset EMOMs, and tabatas (but also, fuck a tabata), and set rest periods. Since Lex and I moved into our current place in August of...
Read time: 6 min 25 sec Whatup Reader! I’m gonna do a little reverse cross-posting for today’s Maestro Mail and bring Instagram content over here and let it serve as the main course. Every now and again I’ll take emails and pull them over to the ‘Gram, laid out as a carousel post, with an invite to join the email list at the end. I’m throwing down an Uno reverse this week and pulling from IG because last Wednesday I shared a carousel post that I’m INCREDIBLY proud of (if you already checked...
Read time: 3 min 2 sec Whatup Reader! We blinked and February said ✌🏾. Perhaps it’s for the best. Real quickly before we hop in, today, February 28th, I’m participating in the economic blackout and would love to have you join if you haven’t committed to it already. You can click here to learn more. I’m under no impression that it’s going to change the world and right every wrong, but I do believe it’s something (which will always be MOAR than nothing), and could also serve as the start of...