Take advantage

Read time: 1 min 20 sec

Whatup Reader!

Take advantage of what you already have, and what is already around you.

My inspo for this email: The timer in our home gym.

I bought this badboy when I built out my garage gym during COVID, nearly 5 years ago.

As we all do when we get something new, when this timer arrived I took advantage of the cool features, utilizing preset EMOMs, and tabatas (but also, fuck a tabata), and set rest periods.

Since Lex and I moved into our current place in August of 2023 I’ve yet to use the timer as anything more than a just clock.

Last night I started a new lifting cycle and decided to reunite with my old friend and take advantage of the timer function so that I could track my rest periods.

Nothing crazy. Nothing over the top. But something very useful that I already had, but hadn’t taken advantage of in quite some time.

Old things can absolutely bring new solutions.

In a world filled with messaging that we need more, new, and different, I ask: What do you already have that you aren’t taking advantage of?

Yes, this is reusing, yes this is recycling, and yes this absolutely relates to the dumpster fire of present day.

Ideas, skills, objects, hobbies, books, courses, stories, passion projects, relationships, podcast episodes, interests, resources, businesses, information, experiences, connections…what do you already have that you aren’t taking advantage of?

No need to invent the wheel.

What already exists?

Sometimes new means new problems, more means more headaches, and different means different ways to waste time.

What do you already have?

Go take advantage.

Happy Tuesday, Reader.

Maestro out.

Do the thing.

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Hi, I'm the Maestro. 🙋🏽‍♂️

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