Stop worrying about copycats

Read time: 2 min 18 sec

Whatup Reader!

They say that imitation is the highest form of flattery. I think that imitation is the farthest thing from the original.

Who “they” are, I have no idea, but I’m guessing that they’re people who like to copy and imitate others.

Now don’t get me wrong, when we’re starting almost any new expressive endeavor (namely thinking of things like sports and anything artistic/creative) we’ll absolutely look to emulate others, especially the greats, as we find our footing.

The goal, in my opinion, is to figure out what’s right-side-up, what’s up-side-down and then learn what feels right for you.

From a business perspective, this is what sets people apart and creates an actual unique value proposition (UVP). From a life perspective, this is what allows people to truly live, and not merely just exist.

What recent life experience prompted these Maestro musings?

A rendezvous with none other than the King of Pop, Michael Jackson.

This past Sunday Lex’s parents surprised us with tickets to see MJ the Musical.

It was awesome…but it wasn’t Michael.

It was legit so much fun…but it wasn’t Michael.

It was SUCH an incredibly thoughtful gift and I was (and continue to be) so dang grateful…but it wasn’t Michael.

The actors were incredibly talented…but they weren’t Michael.

NGL, when news broke in 2009 that Michael had died, I was gutted.

For as long as I can remember I wanted to see him perform live, and right when it seemed like my dream might become reality (a very strong might given that I was a second year PT student and had about one penny to my name), he was gone.

To this day, Moonwalker is one of my favorite movies, and as I recited nearly every line of every song during MJ the Musical, I couldn’t help but compare their performances to the real deal.

Imitation may be the highest form of flattery, but it is the farthest thing from the original.

As close as the actors could come to capturing his essence, Micheal was a once in a lifetime talent, and it wasn’t the fact that he could moonwalk that made him special, it was the fact that he had the vision (and audacity) to create it in the first place.

What’s your moonwalk?

To be clear, I’m not talking about becoming famous.

There are so many other factors outside of ability and audacity that contribute fame, namely timing, luck, and what you look like.

I’m talking about the gift(s) you possess that are unique to you.

Share them.

Whatever form they may take, as song, dance, words, thoughts, ideas, services, constructions, creations, physical pursuits, you name it...share them.

Gift us your expression.

And for the love, don’t worry about people copying you.

Imitation may be the highest form of flattery, but it is the farthest thing from the original.

Happy birthday eve to my brother.

Maestro out.

PS - I’m talking about my actual brother, not Jesus.

Do the thing.

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