Kermit in the bedroom 🐸

Read time: 3 min 0 sec

Whatup Reader!

Sliding into your inbox a little later than usual today because I needed rest, so I took it.

The results of the election didn’t surprise me, but that doesn’t mean they don’t affect me, so instead of forcing content I asked myself what I needed and leaned into that.

Yes, I’m “still” talking about the election. It’s only been a week.

If you’ve processed and moved forward, I love this for you. If you’re still feeling some kind of way, I see you, I get you, I am you. Keep reading. This email is for you.

I want to use this email to share two messages:

1 - Take as long as you need to process things and decide how you want to move forward. Supremacy culture in all of its terribleness would have us believe that you need to have a solution in 30 seconds and come up with some sort of action so as to strike while the proverbial iron is hot. Throw that sentiment right in the trash. Take your time. Sit with things and figure out what YOU need. Be intentional. Be calculated. Be a whole ass human who brings their whole selves to the table.

2 - For those of you reading this who are content creators, this past week has given me the opportunity to ask myself two questions that I want to share with you: Who are you worried about bothering? Who are you centering?

It’s only been a week since the election and people are worried about annoying people by continuing to talk about something that is important to them.

Who are you worried about bothering?

Election aside, one of the biggest concerns I hear from people when I discuss email marketing is that they don’t want to be annoying or bother people.

Who are you worried about bothering?

When I teach about email marketing, one of the things I suggest when is to think about writing to one specific person instead of trying to write to an entire group of people.

If you’ve ever followed this advice, who is that one person you’re writing to?

Who are you centering?

For those who prefer not to read between the lines: Are you worrying about people who don’t care about you? Are you worrying about people who don’t want to hear from you? Are you worrying about what is best for others when those others are not one bit worried about what is best for you?

Yes, the world that I want to live in requires relating in the presence of difference and what @inquisitive_human refers to as right relationship (translation: discussion instead of assumption), but an unwillingness to “disturb the peace” can be, in and of itself, a form of relational fuckery.

That ain’t it, fam.

Two weeks ago a dope student from this last round of my IG Intensive shared the following quote: The opposite of depression isn’t happiness, it’s expression.

I’m not a psychotherapist or a psychologist, but I am big here for that message, and it lands personally.

It’s why I brought my tripod and tiny mic along with me to Cabo. It’s why I opted to go to bed last night but woke up with a head full of ideas and wrote this entire email from bed this morning.

Circling back to point number one, please take as long as you need to process things. If, however, creating things is something that helps you process, that helps you contribute, that helps you move forward, I offer the second point and those two questions: Who are you worried about bothering? Who are you centering?

We’re not going back. Ever.

Maestro out.

Do the thing.

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Hi, I'm the Maestro. 🙋🏽‍♂️

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