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Are you feeling overwhelmed?
Published 19 days ago • 2 min read
Read time: 2 min 58 sec
Whatup Reader!
So, lately I’ve been seeing the word “overwhelmed” pop up quite a bit in these social media streets.
It’s also come up a time or two from folks close to me, so I figured I’d do a little digging and see what was up.
The general consensus is that there is a lot of stuff being said on social media, and simply stated, it’s overwhelming.
Me being me, I asked my people what the action item was, and the most common solution offered was to spend less time on social media.
The proverbial social media solution.
While I won’t ever disagree with putting down the phone and going outside, my immediate question was, “And then what?”
Folks gracious enough to entertain my questions stated that less time on social media meant that they would be able to get their work done faster, because, as we all know, it’s easy AF to get sucked into hours of scrolling, especially since Instagram doesn’t have that Netflix call-you-out “Are you still watching?” alert.
My question still remained, “And then what?”
You get your work done faster and then have time…for what?
I didn’t ask this question to defend mindless social media consumption, I asked this question in an attempt to get to the root:
Why do you feel overwhelmed and what are you getting from endlessly scrolling?
While it’s always my preference to have a discussion and not just give an answer, since this is an email that goes out to thousands of you, Imma just share my thoughts and give my answers. Feel free to hit me back with your personal opinion on things.
My two pennies:
When you’re super clear on your values, loud spaces become less noisy and overwhelm is quickly overcome.
For me, endless scrolling does the following:
Provides comfort via "community", and clarity via composition. It feels good to know you’re not the only one thinking a certain way, and it can be objectively helpful to read how someone describes the things you have feelings about but are unable to put into words.
Keeps me abreast of the “horse in the hospital” situation. I for one really want to know wtf is going on. I choose my media sources accordingly. For me, more information is helpful, BUT I also realize that at the end of the day I must make every decision myself. The responsibility is on me.
Unless you create as much as you consume, you will become constipated.
So, just to clarify, I’m not here to throw shade if you’re feeling overwhelmed right now. This email and any suggested action items are for those of you who wish to stop feeling that way.
I scroll a shit ton and maintain my sanity by consuming content through a values-based filter, consuming to stay informed, not distracted, and then making sure that I continue to create things (and no, it doesn’t have to be content).
At the risk of losing my point in all of these words, it’s my hope that the main thing you’ll take away from this email, should you be in need of it, is an understanding that identifying and then rooting into your values is, dare I say it, a panacea.
The catch is that they truly have to be your values, and, perhaps even more importantly, to quote my life-twin, Laura Jean, you’ve got to remember that “Values are verbs”.
Putting down your phone and going to touch some grass will never be a bad thing.
Using that time to make sure that you’re grounded in, and actually living your values, will always make that time much MOAR better.
Happy Tuesday, Reader.
Maestro out.
PS - I've got a super dope podcast episode dropping next Monday, February 24th, with the always incredible Dr. Jennifer Hutton. In the episode we discuss overwhelm, making mistakes, internal knowing, unsafe vs. uncomfortable, forgiveness, the value of judgement, and so much MOAR. I hope you'll tune in. 💚
Dr. C. Shanté Cofield | Brand Strategy & Online Business Coaching
Join Maestro Mail, a weekly newsletter for folks who are committed to doing life, AND online business, on their own terms. Subscribe now for your weekly dose of actionable advice, thought-provoking insights, and personal anecdotes that will inspire you to take action while reminding you that there's more than one way to achieve happiness and success.
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